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「皮克斯廣場酒店將喚起每部皮克斯電影中的靈感和幽默,同時慶祝藝術進程。」「從早期草圖到最終設計,藝術和裝飾將突出充滿活力的皮克斯故事,揭示一些前所未見的藝術品 。”

【新聞速遞】通訊社 龐可揚 橙郡報道


迪士尼皮克斯主題酒店即將開放。 (Artist Concept/Disneyland Resort)

迪士尼官方本周宣布,全美首家皮克斯主題的酒店-皮克斯廣場酒店(Pixar Place Hotel)將於 2024 年 1 月 30 日竣工並開業。


迪士尼表示:「皮克斯廣場酒店將喚起每部皮克斯電影中的靈感和幽默,同時慶祝藝術進程。」「從早期草圖到最終設計,藝術和裝飾將突出充滿活力的皮克斯故事,揭示一些前所未見 的藝術品。”

新的皮克斯廣場酒店大廳充滿了最受歡迎的皮克斯故事,設有以皮克斯工作室吉祥物-頑皮跳跳燈和水晶球(Luxo Ball and Luxo Lamp)為中心裝飾品,上方懸掛著來自《玩具總動員 》、《超人特攻隊》、《怪獸電力公司》、《尋夢環遊記》、《靈魂》和《海底總動員》中皮克斯經典角色的裝飾。


Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel is being transformed into Pixar Place Hotel at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., and this artist rendering shows a reimagined guest room filled with whimsical nods to Pixar Animation Studios, like lighting reminiscent of the Pixar Lamp and pillows inspired by the Pixar Ball. When the property officially transforms into Pixar Place Hotel on Jan. 30, 2024, it will weave the artistry of Pixar into a comfortable, contemporary setting. (Artist Concept/Disneyland Resort)

At Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel — which is being transformed into Pixar Place Hotel at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif. — guests can now lounge on the rooftop deck near the pool on comfy couches surrounding firepits inspired by some of Pixar’s more hotheaded characters, including Jack-Jack from Pixar’s “The Incredibles” and Anger from Pixar’s “Inside Out.” (Christian Thompson/Disneyland Resort)

迪士尼官員也指出,飯店內已經配備了一些皮克斯主題元素,例如以「急躁的皮克斯角色」為模型的主題戶外火坑,以及 STOR-E 零售店。


STOR-E 零售店。 (Artist Concept/Disneyland Resort)

據迪士尼稱,酒店的 Great Maple 餐廳將於 11 月開業,將為早餐、午餐和晚餐帶來高檔舒適食品的創新菜單。 幾週後,供應甜點、餅乾麵包的 Sketch Pad Café 咖啡店和供應沙拉、捲餅和什錦起司拼盤的 Small Bytes 屋頂泳池酒吧也將開幕。

As Disney’s Paradise Pier Hotel is being transformed into Pixar Place Hotel at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Calif., modern American eatery Great Maple will open a flagship restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. Great Maple specializes in upscale comfort food, serving fresh takes on American classics for breakfast, lunch and dinner. (Great Maple)


皮克斯廣場飯店戲水池和泳池區以《海底總動員》角色為特色。 (Artist Concept/Disneyland Resort)


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